Islam Must Go : France Now Preparing For Civil War Against Muslims to Take Country back

Nearly a year ago, Paris, France experienced the worst terror attack in history at the hands of ISIS psychopaths. From that day forward, Europe has been absolutely demolished and taken over by refugees, Islam, and ISIS terrorists hiding and waiting to carry out their next attack.

Since the refugee crisis, France has accepted 13,000 refugees, but many experts argue that number could be much higher given that many are sneaking in and out covertly. Nevertheless, France has been experiencing many problems with refugees, and it has led to officials afraid they are going to lose their country.

They are unskilled, costing a lot in taxpayer funds, they do not work, they are sucking welfare programs dry, and many have been linked to ISIS. French authorities have issued several warnings that they suspect many to have ties to ISIS and are worried another large scale attack is in the near future.

With that, French authorities have begun to prepare for a “civil war” against Muslims in order to “clean up” their country, according to prominent author Éric Zemmour, who claims a high ranking government source told him of the plan.

Franco-Algerian Zemmour gave an interview with French radio station RTL during which he revealed details of a program called “Operation Ronces,” developed in coordination with the Israeli Army based on their experiences in Gaza.

The French government has been secretly preparing for a “civil war” against Muslims as a way to “clean up” the country in response to numerous riots and terror attacks in recent years, claims Zemmour, who characterizes the plan as a “new reconquista on their own soil.”

Zemmour’s warning is echoed by Patrick Calvar, who is the head of the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI). Calvar told members of a French parliamentary commission earlier this summer that France was “on the brink of civil war”.

In July, following the Nice truck attack that killed nearly 90 people, Jonathan Miller, an elected council member in the French village, said that the attack has made the French people more United ready to flash out the wicked evil called Islam.

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