
Showing posts from July, 2018

5 Types of men you should never fall in love with

 Ladies there some men you should try as much as possible to avoid if you don't want to experience heart break and disappointments. There are a lot of guys out there with commitment issues. And if you're dating one of them, it's no good for you. Your relationship is going nowhere The sooner you realize this, the sooner you'll experience  real happiness and love. Below is a list of guys that no one (of any age) shouldn’t spend a second with once you figure them out. Don’t try to change them. Don't try to help them overcome their commitment phobia. Instead, just run! Run as fast as you can, After all, the more time you spend with the wrong person, the more time it will take you to meet the right person.but to my personal experience some ladies don't like nice guys, they prefer playboys and rough guys that will manhandle and disappoint them,they will start crying out loud that are bad, irresponsible and not ready for commitment. These are the five types

How Jesus female disciples who supported His work were wiped from history

JESUS Christ’s female disciples made Christianity possible but their pivotal role was wiped from history for one single reason. Mary Magdalene (above in 1835 Alexander Ivanov painting) portrayed in popular culture as a prostitute is historically inaccurate. JESUS Christ had prominent female disciples who made his religious mission possible, but their pivotal role was wiped from history. Mary Magdalene who, despite popular culture, was not a prostitute, a noblewoman named Joanna and a healer called Salome were among his close circle. And Joanna, who had been married to an official of Judaean Roman leader Herod Antipas’ noble clique, funded Jesus’ itinerant travelling band. Biblical historians Joan Taylor and Helen Bond have undertaken new research which convinces them that the 12 disciples actually travelled in pairs with their female partners. And by forensically examining the New Testament, the pair unearth a trail of clues they believe will rewrite the origins of fait

A Bad Marriage is as Unhealthy as Drinking and Smoking

Couples who continuously disagree have poorer health.   A man sleeping in bed with an unhappy woman,sleeping with backs turn against each other or the woman sleeping on the couch is an example of an unhappy relation. A bad marriage, with frequent conflicts, could be as detrimental to your health as smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol.  Disagreeing over multiple topics – such as children, money, in-laws and leisure activities – had negative health implications. I followed married couples over the first 16 years of marriage and compared the subjective health of wives and husbands who reported a greater number of conflict topics to those who reported fewer,” Marital conflict negatively affected health for both husbands and wives, although there was a greater impact of conflict on men than women. Couples who agreed with each other more experienced health benefits early in their relationships, but this protective effect most often wore off in the later years of marriage

Things a woman can learn about a man from his friends

 An adage says, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are.” Birds of the same feather folk together.  People who have friends who are incarcerated are more likely to get arrested themselves. Simply put, you are who you hang out with — and there’s nothing wrong with judging someone by their entourage. Ladies believe it or not, studies have shown that you can learn a lot from the friends of the guy you are dating .The following things have strong links to his entourage and can tip you off to his real personality. Here's what his friends can tell you about him. 1. His likelihood of cheating Do you know if his buddies have side chicks...!  If they do, don’t date him! Studies show that one of the biggest predictors of cheating is whether his friends are currently having affairs on their wives and girlfriends. 2. His attitude toward women in general Birds of a feather tend to flock together, especially when it comes to attitudes on women. Misogynistic men tend to

Realistically it is a crime to be poor.

In a democratic  society as we have today why do we choose to penalize the poor? A poor man is sent to jail for stealing a fowl  not that it is right  for him to steal but he had no money to hire a lawyer to fight his case so he is punished for being poor. While others go unpunished for stealing billions of public money,fraud and murder. So a poor man's situation is the case of the animal farm.   The poor are being marginalized,unlike in the developed society all the social amenities are available which makes  It easier to get a job and work and make a living and get the basics of life. but in Nigeria the poor are denied their own share of what also rightfully belongs to them. Government policies benefits only the rich the few meant for the poor is being hijacked by corrupt individuals in government.  What a pity... As far back as I can remember only Jesus fought for the poor.  The poor has no voice.  My assumption.     being poor is a crime,if not poor peopl

Things You Must Treasure in Life

There are specific things in our lives that we must treasure, cherish protect and value, if we must enjoy our God given  life.  1. You must treasure your life. Yes you Should; And why shouldn't you.  everybody deserves comfort,balance in their lives.Life is one of the greatest gifts God has given to man,It's a privilege to mankind to live,experience then eventually one day die and return to his creator. WE should treasure it,it is our right and moral obligation. 2.You must value your  Name. The greatest treasure  a person  can acquire is a  good  name. Good character is more important than how skilled you are. The key to success in business and one’s personal life is relationship building. If people like, trust, respect and believe in you; they will do anything for you. And, when you pass and they talk about you they will say…”they are somebody because you helped make their lives better.” You must always desire a good name. Have you ever had of Names such as  Luci