
Showing posts from July, 2017

Things Not to Do When Your Partner Cheats

As good as it might feel, don't try and get even. Whether your partner makes out with someone else or has a months-long affair, being cheated on hurts. But that doesn’t mean the relationship isn’t worth repairing, a choice that is yours alone to make — there will always be those friends and family who insist that you leave, but only you can decide what’s right for you (got that, Mom?). "Monogamy is not easy, and it’s more difficult for some people than others," and while infidelity is painful, "[a relationship] does usually get better when people are committed and they’re working hard to establish a trust and are truly remorseful."  many couples  have even developed stronger connections post-cheating (although, yes, it’s generally easier to do that before you happen to see a text that reads "I miss your body baby xo" pop up on their phone). However, all this comes with a giant "but." As you move forward together, some behaviors that

Why do rich girls like putting on short and revealing clothes

Girls from rich families like putting on skimpy  short and tight clothes than girls from middle class or poor family. Why is this so.... Everyone is saying rich girls are open minded thats why they are wearing less clothes, since when being open minded becomes equal to less clothes. I am more open minded, so should I go around wearing only my underwear? I believe being open minded has nothing to do with clothes, what it has to do with is mentality. See,rich girls know they are the top 1% of our society, so they constantly need other people to remind this, that they are superior and needs attention (call this a princess feeling) ,what rich girls can do to get attention? Yes, wear less clothes. See wearing less clothes in Nigerian cities such as Abuja, Lagos, port harcourt  is the best way to get some eyeball gaze points,but its the usual thing in the western world no man will gaze at you lustfully.  This is the same reason why some Phd people act so cocky, they constantly need t

Why do women stay in abusive relationships?

Many a time, abuse happens in front of children and women feel humiliated. Before they realise it, they are trapped in the relationship.  Pop singer Rihanna became the poster girl for domestic violence in 2009 when a picture of her battered face was leaked online. But when she decided to get back together with Chris Brown — her abuser — many of us couldn’t wrap our heads around it. Women have died in such situations especially in Africa. Years later, this one question remains a mystery: Why do so many women, especially those who are financially independent, choose to stay in abusive relationships? Here's what psychiatrists have to say. “Many women have seen some form of abuse in their family. So they grow up thinking, it is part and parcel of life and tolerate it,” says Dr Rajiv Mehta, psychiatrist at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. “Then there is the false sense of hope. Women believe their partner loves them and that the abuse happened in the heat of the moment or under

Reasons why you should be happy after a breakup

Of course it is a terrible feeling when your relationship has ended. You feel hurt, angry and very sad. But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy after a break up. Always look on the bright side! Here are the 11 reasons why you should be happy after a break up.  You have more time for yourself. For taking baths, doing masks, nail polish, watching TV series and having quality time with your friends. Those things you couldn’t do often, because your relationship required a lot of time.  You decide what you want to eat and don’t have to discuss this. Want to eat sushi tonight? Then you go eat sushi tonight. Invite your addicted sushi girlfriends! Finally you can watch chick flicks. He did not like being forced to watch Mean Girls, so you did him a favor and just watched another movie.  You have the time for your friends. You may have said no to your friends too often, because you already had a date planned with you boy … You can still wear your beautiful lingerie. Per

What Should Be the Christian View of Romance

Should a Christian display romance, walking and holding hands in public. What does the Bible say about romance. Although there are no references to the word romance in the Bible, there are 281 mentions of love. Since the dictionary definition for romance is "ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; a love affair," these two terms can sometimes be used interchangeably. But the true meaning of love, as defined in the Bible, has been corrupted in the common usage of our English language and society. Most often, love is confused with infatuation - that elated, "high" feeling we get when we "fall in love." This kind of "love" is something that lasts typically a short time and, unless replaced by true love, results in broken relationships. The Bible covers two types of love: agape and phileo. Agape love is represented by God's love for us. It is a non-partial, sacrificial love best demonstrated by the gift in John 3:16

Importance of sex in a relationship

Am not encouraging young people  in relationships to indulge in premarital sex,this article is just my personal opinion, observation and research ... This is not for  you.        I would advise young people to be careful of how they apply sex in their can destroy a relationship and even you.... Never the less sex is important in a relationship especially among couples.. Sex is a topic that men and women love to talk about. It’s something that everyone thinks about – even when they’re not sexually active. it’s very important in a relationship. In fact, it’s just as imperative as trust and communication. Sex is something that’s different for men and women. It’s a universal form of pleasure and a way to de-stress. It also gives you a level of closeness with your significant other. Here are 7 reasons why sex is important in a relationship. 1. PASSION, PASSION, PASSION The best relationship you can have is with someone who’s your best friend an

The Role of Romance in a Relationship and its lmportance

 In order to meet success, long-term relationships do take work. Many couples share in the sense that  their relationships lack fulfillment after a period of time. While turmoil in any relationship is part of the course, long-term feelings of neglect or a lack of desire are not. The secret to keeping love alive is in putting forth the effort that you did when love was new. Indeed, partners often wonder why their relationships fail, where those loving feelings have gone, or why they feel under-appreciated by their partners. This generally happens after the “honeymoon period”.  In some cases, couples may not experience this sense of loss for years.  But what about the couples that never seem discontented, whose displays of admiration for one another are apparent even after decades of marriage.  Indeed, they are doing something right.  Happily married couples with a long history together, have managed to preserve some of the elements that were present while they were in the ear

9 Signs you'll never be rich

Contrary to popular belief, "Everyone has the same opportunity to acquire wealth," But is wealth in the cards for you? To help you evaluate that, we've rounded up nine red flags to watch out for. While no one can predict the future, the following choices most likely won't accelerate your path to riches. Saving is crucial to building wealth, but you don't want to focus so much on saving that you start neglecting earning, which is what rich people focus on. "The masses are so focused on clipping coupons and living frugally they miss major opportunities, There's no need to abandon practical saving strategies. However, if you want to start thinking like the rich, "Stop worrying about running out of money and focus on how to make more," Some experts say that "it's not about how much money you make, it's about how much you keep," but this shouldn't be an excuse to disregard earning completely. To keep money, yo

Incredible things that will happen when you stop eating sugar

Sugar is meant to boost you metabolism and give you energy. Along with this, it gives you belly fat, too. Sugar can lead to many serious health problems including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and headaches.  Since we all are busy the entire day with work, these simple steps can help reduce weight and enhance your lifestyle. As it is said, an excess of everything is dangerous, thus we don’t realize how much sugar we intake throughout the day and how it is effecting us. Here are 11 things that will happen when you quit sugar: 1. Your heart health will improve: The heart is a sensitive organ, so it should be given extra care. Cutting down on sugar will burden the heart less and will reduce the risk of heart-related diseases.  2. Your skin will look healthier and will glow: Have you noticed that you can’t seem to crack the case on why acne appears and disappears despite all the creams, lotions, and ointments you’re using? It may be that sugar is hurting your skin fr

Intresting Facts About womens Bodies Even Women Don't know

The female body has always preserved its mystery until this day and will continue to do so in the future. Fortunately, scientific research allows many things to be discovered. We have compiled 14 facts about the female body that you have not heard before. Just when men thought they knew women. Everry day we learn something new! 1. Women's hearts beat faster than men's. Image : Giphy  2. Women burn fat more slowly than men, at around 50 kcal a day. 3. Women have a stronger immunity.  4. The diameter of a female's hair is two times smaller than men's.  5. Women have more sweet receptors on their tongues than men.  Image: Giphy 6. Women have more nerve receptors. So they experience stronger pain. 7. Women can distinguish between colors better than men, as chromatic sensitivity is directly connected to the X-chromosome.  8. Women blink twice as much as men.  me

35 year old House Wife to spend Two years in Jail for Sexually abusing 13 year old boy

Housewife, 35, who sexually abused 13-year-old boy after grooming him with iPhone and designer clothing gifts is jailed for more than two years Emma Burton was said to have cast a 'spell' over the teenage boy But the boy's parents became suspicious after she bought him two iPhones Police interviewed Burton about the relationship and was bailed with conditionsBut the pair then spent the night together at Birmingham's luxury La Tour Hotel  Emma Burton was jailed for two-and half years at Manchester Crown Court A housewife who had an illicit relationship with a 13-year-old boy wept as she was jailed for two and a half years at Manchester Crown Court on Monday. Emma Burton, 35, was said to have cast a 'spell' over the teenager after she met him through family friends. She used her husband's company credit card to buy the youngster designer goods from Selfridges. The mother-of-four was warned not to contact the boy by his parents who were suspi

Did this Man die while Masturbating?

photo of a man who appeared to die while masturbating might not be as it seems Did this man die masturbating? IF you knew death from a volcanic eruption was imminent, what would you do with your remaining time on Earth? A photo of a preserved body from Pompeii during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE has given a strange insight into that question, with the victim appearing to be masturbating. After being shared on the Pompeii Archaeological Park Instagram account, the picture has been circulating Twitter, Reddit and 4 Chan, causing many to speculate what he was doing when Vesuvius took his life. The leading theory firmly gripped by those online, is the man was mid-wank at the time of his death.

The way you hug your partner says much about your relationship

A relationship is a beautiful thing to be in. The love that a couple shares is inexpressible. But many times you may not realize but some problems pop in. They may be small and negligible to begin with but with time, they grow into a big strong mountain. We are no relationship experts or counselors but we strongly believe that there few signs in every relation that if you notice, clearly indicates the problems in one's relationship. One of such signs includes the way you hug. There are different kinds of hugs that suggest differents traits of a relationship. 1- Hugging like it's the end of the worl The tight hug that you don't want to let go also known as Deadlock. This tyhpe of hug implies a serious relationship and that you don't want to get apart ever. But, if this type of hug persists even after a long time in your relation then that's something you should talk to your partner about. This hug is justified if you haven't met each other for a