14 Things Men Always pay attention to when they want to choose a women

There are real legends about the male inattentiveness. But in reality many of those stories are just the myths. When a man chooses a woman he looks not only at her breasts. You will be surprised to find out that they pay attention to really lots of small elements of your image!

1. Eyes

This is perhaps the first that arrests sight of a man, especially at the first acquaintance. The form, colour, eye shape - all this works as a trigger and makes them find out what hides behind these eyes.

2. Teeth

The female smile has a magnetic effect on men and is a some kind of the attractive indicator. Many representatives of the strong sex confess that they want to see a smile rather than "duck lips" on the photo of a lady. So, there is the point to take care of your teeth to make them look white and even. And he will have not a single chance!

3. Hair

To tell the secret, men are mad about beautiful, long and healthy hair. It doesn't matter whether you are a blonde or brunette. If your hairdo fits you, your hair is healthy and curls are springy and thick - he will not take eyes away from you.

4. Skin

You don't need to be a model from the cover of the magazine to have shiny skin. And men are not looking for this. But just believe that he will notice the difference between a woman who looks after her skin and the one who doesn't bother to do at least something with it. Luckily, the three bases of beautiful skin - cleaning, moisturising and nutrition - can really do miracles.

5. Clothes

It is pleasant for any man to have a girl by his side who is well-dressed but who is not looking vulgar or plain. They are especially attracted by feminine dresses. As Evelina Khromtchenko once said: "Sometimes, for getting married, a woman misses a single skirt."

6. Posture

This story is not only about the even back. The even posture tells about the inner self-assurance and purposefulness. And a woman who can place herself in life is highly valued by men!

7. Lips

This is one of the secrets of attractiveness of Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox. But you shouldn't obligatory have the lips of the same size to rise admiration of the opposite sex. The only thing in which men show the surprising solidarity is the absence of lipstick. Of course, it looks beautiful from the side, but no one actually wishes to kiss generously painted lips.

8. Dance

Of course, I agree with the statement that you need to dance as if no one looks at you. But your movements shouldn't be as if you are a drunk deer. You are the example of gracefulness, don't forget about this!

9. Gait

"You passed by me with a flying gait..." - the typical start of many love stories. If you want your gait to cause real admiration, you simply need to add a bit of model mastership and a to be a little bit more sure in yourself.

10. Bag

You may not believe this, but your bag may interest a man not only if he is a speculator or a thief. Looking at the bag of a woman, one can easily understand what kind of a person she is. For example, whether you carry a big pack with you or limit yourself with only the most needed things.

11. Fingers

Well-cared female hands can't look unattractive. The same thing (but vice versa) can be said about the uncared hands. Here is the iron reason to make masks and manicure in time. Especially if you like to complement your speech with

12. Voice

Men adore the female voice, especially when you laugh. Of course, you don't need to do anything with your voice. But just note that singing of very melodious songs can make it sound more beautiful.

13. Hips

Men love curvy ladies for a reason. They subconsciously feel that such a woman can give a birth of a healthy child.

14. Eyebrows

Nowadays, there is a real revolution of eyebrows. They keep on moving to the natural ideal, and men really love this. Because eyebrows give the additional shape to face and make it more expressive.

These pieces of advice not only can but must work for the benefit of your attractiveness! That's why, remember next time: he did notice. He simply didn't tell you anything.

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