Blind mystic Vanga Predicted 9/11. Brexit and birth of ISIS Warns Obama will be the last US President

The break up of the United States of America has been predicted.

Theorists are convinced that something might happen to Donald Trump before he is sworn president on January 20th, 2017.

As a teenager, Baba began to build up a following after making some accurate predictions

Bulgaria-born Prophetess Baba Vanga, who died in 1996 aged 85, was known as “Nostradamus from the Balkans”.

Baba is believed to have an 85 per cent success rate when it comes to her predictions, so she’s long been revered in Russia as a kind of supernatural saint.

Remarkably, Baba Vanga correctly predicted that the 44th US president would be black – but this wasn’t her only political prophecy.

The prediction suggests that something will prevent Trump from taking over presidency from Obama

She forewarned that an economic crisis would prevent the 45th president from stepping into office, meaning that Obama would be the last to serve his term.

Her chilling prediction states: “Everyone will put their hopes in him to end it, but the opposite will happen; he will bring the country down and conflicts between north and south states will escalate.”

I wonder if Baba Vanga saw this coming and this is why she said the 44th president would be the last president#BabaVanga

— Ms Fierce (@sharla_fierce) November 9, 2016
Recall what #BabaVangapredicted that @POTUS will be THE LAST PRESIDENT of the United States, as the country will break after him#TrumpWins

As the aftermath of the election sparked tears and protests, many are clinging onto the possibility that Baba’s prophecy will come true.

Although this prophecy may seem a little extreme, Baba’s followers are convinced that she speaks the truth because of her accuracy in the past.

There are fears that Baba’s prophecy about a ‘great Muslim war’ will come true

Recently, theorists insisted that Baba forewarned a 2016 invasion of Europe by Muslim extremists, a conflict she predicted would begin with the Arab Spring in 2010.

She then forewarned of a showdown in Syria where “Muslims would use chemical warfare against Europeans”.


– Baba Vanga was born Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova in Strumica, a village located at the foot of a volcanic mountain range in what was then the Ottoman
– She led an ordinary life up until the age of 12, when she mysteriously lost her eyesight during a massive storm — described by some as a freak tornado
– According to folklore, the youngster was flung into the air and then dashed to the ground by a powerful gust of wind
– What happened next is murky but her family reportedly found her close to death several days later, her injured eyes sealed shut and encrusted with a thick layer of dust and dirt.
– Vanga later stated that she had experienced her first vision during the days she was missing and believed she had been instilled with the ability to heal people and predict the future
– She was able to convince others of her paranormal powers and quickly developed a cult following

As ISIS continues to gain ground in Syria, despite a massive bombing campaign by allied forces, believers remain convinced of her psychic powers.

Some also believe that Baba predicted Brexit, as she warned that Europe as we know it will “cease to exist” by the end of this year.

Worryingly, the blind mystic claims that the continent will be left “almost empty” and be turned into a “wasteland almost entirely devoid of any form of life”.

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