Types of Annoying friends we have.

Friends are amazing!

Friendship is one of the best things in life, and a true friend is priceless. Although friendship is awesome, we all have that annoying friend who makes us wonder why we’re even friends in the first place.
Thou some of these friends have bad  and irritating  habits we over look some of them,just because we like them and enjoy their company.
Here are some of the annoying types of friends that you probably have.

The one that’s always broke

This friend never has money, and constantly borrows from you. When you go out, they always make it seem like they forgot their wallet or card, so you have no choice but to lend them cash. Of course, they never pay back or you may have to demand for it several times  before you get your money back.

The one that’s always late.

This friend is never on time. If they tell you they’ll be with you in two hours, they actually mean four. They tell you they’re on their way when they are still watching T.V at home.

The Fault Finding friend

This friend always manages to find a problem in everything and everyone. They manage to be critical of everything you do or say. If something nice happens to you, they’ll definitely find a negative reason why it happened that way.They are often a source of discouragement than encouragement.

The big mouthed friend

This friend can not keep a secret. If you tell them something, be sure they’ll tell 10 other people.

The overly emotional friend

This friend knows how to guilt trip you and make you feel really bad. Sometimes they take petty issues serious and make a scene.

 The ‘motherly’ friend

This friend acts like they’re your mum all the time. They’re constantly trying to tell you what you should do and what you shouldn’t.

*The snooping friend

This friend loves to snoop around and does annoying things like checking your phone and reading messages.

The forgetful friend

This friend never remembers anything you tell them. If you make plans with them, they forget the second you stop talking. They also always forget to return the stuff they borrow.

The ‘Happy go lucky’, friend

This friend thinks life is a joke, and hardly ever takes anything seriously. They never talk about life goals or plans for the future, all they want to do is party.

The bossy friend

This friend tries to control everything you do. They think that their approval is needed before you do anything.

 The competitive friend

This friend always tries to compete with you. If you do something wonderful, they’ll try to upstage you. They are never truly happy for you, all they want is to be better than you.

The gossip friend

This friend knows what’s going on in everybody’s lives. All they want to do all day is sit and talk about other people,yet you know little or nothing about them.

The ‘relationship’ friend

This friend always has one relationship problem or the other. They’re either in love with someone new or going through one relationship problem or the other.

The pompous friend

This friend loves to brag. They manage to make every conversation about them. For example, You: ‘I want to visit the France someday’. Friend: ‘Oh I visited the France last summer and flew first class.

The parasitic friend.

Always wants to eat when they visit you.They search your refrigerator without your consent and will eat anything.

Dirty and  lazy friend.
A friend that will not help  do the dishes.  Irriting table manners including Coughing and snizzling over food and not flushing after using the toilet.

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