Don't Bore your Man

There is always this sudden change that happens with you and your partner after a few weeks or months of dating.

Its hard sometimes to always keep the spark.Most of the ladies have definitely gone through what am about to say now.

So here  is the scenario:
During the first few weeks of your relationship you may have had the time of your life with your new must have loved spending these precious little moments with him and he loved it back.He made it a point to see you as paten as his schedule permitted him, and you made it a point to make yourself available every time he asked if you were.

yes the first several weeks of a relationship are the best ones,aren't they? but sadly in many in many relationship,things do tend to change after a few weeks.
He may suddenly start getting busier with work and he is no longer   as reachable as he use to may be dismayed to learn that he's spending more time with his friends and co-workers than he is with you.And of course,these's the worst case scenario:you find out that he's flirting with other women.

But let just keep it simple,and let's say he's just not asking you out on as many dates as before,or maybe you realize you're setting most of your dates yourself.You dont know why,but you have a gut feeling that your boyfriend is getting bored with the relationship and he might
 be looking elsewhere to have a good time,Now,this can be a scary situation.

Almost instantly,thoughts of him cheating on you and leaving with another woman fills your thoughts.All of a sudden thoughts of him hanging out with other women less attractive or less sophisticated than you come to mind.It's easy to panic !  And Most women do,unfortunately.Every woman should know panicking in a relationship can never end well.

 So you are caught between a rock and a hard place.When you think he is getting bored it puts you in a pretty tight situation.At this moment you have three reactions to choose from:
-should you try to do things to bring  back the relationship...New car smell?
-or should you just sit back and wait for him to get his situation sorted out?

-or should you talk to him about the problem,and try to work out ways to make the relationship fun again.

I know it's tempting to opt for the third choice,many women think that it is the logical thing to do,after all talking over a problem can help the two of you to sort things out,right?
Actually it is not that simple.In fact it can create friction between you and you fiancee or boyfriend..

For instance what if he doesn't actually think there is a problem.what if you try to fix a problem that to him doesn't exist?.Sure he can just brush off any accusation and assure you that he is just getting things straightened out in his career,his family, his personal life etc....
Let's hope that's really the case.

But most times it goes differently,for instance,it's actually possible that he is going to feel slighted when you tell him he is not acting like the ideal man any more,it's worse when you ask him questions like,Are you seeing someone else?You don't have say it,either.Merely implying it can make him uncomfortable.And yes if you're not careful,this tension can keep growing and growing until it breaks out into a full-blown argument,and it can all go down hill from there!

Some women tend to just keep quiet and hope the relationship works out on its own .If you've tried it before,you've probably realize it doesn't work that well,either.Two things can happen: One,you  either get tired of waiting and hoping you eventually get up and talk to  him about the problem. It almost never reaches a solution,or two you can just sit there and watch him get bored more and more with the relationship,and what  do bored boyfriends do? Scary,huh? No ..when you just sit there doing nothing you risk waiting for nothing,fortunately there's a better way to approach the problem.
Ask yourself this question.


There are three reasons why boyfriends get bored with their current fiancee or girlfriends.Its very important to know these three reasons.when you know them,you can avoid them and consequently you can prevent him from being getting bored.


Here are the things about men especially the more stable,more attractive ones out there.They likely met a lot of women in the past,after all they are the most desirable samples of the male species.out there.How often can you meet an attractive guy who lives his life the way wants it and he is single.These men have their dealings with many different women before and they know what its like when a woman asks too much of their time and attention.Not only can it be annoying ,but it can also be huge turn off,let's face it you don't like a needy fiancee or boyfriend right ? Likewise men don't like a needy woman either .who likes the idea of spending the rest of their lives with someone so needy?.


Another thing about men out there is that they like women who can tickle their fancy every now and then,They like being surprised,they like being challenged.They like the thrill of the chase,why do you think men like sports so much?.
So basically I hope you're not the type of woman who complains every time he sits down to watch a big game,but even more,I hope you're not the type of woman who wants to settle to a routine.Don't be the type of woman he can easily predict..That's completely boring.


NOW,Do you know where the joker comes in,?
You need to loosen up and relax....why so serious? The men need to start  asking their women this question.
Let's face it ladies,
men can be hopeless jokers,They look at humor and crack jokes when never it is needed and appropriate,some times men make jokes at inappropriat times and on serious and important issues.
 And like wise they'll like it if their women know how to lighten up  and take it easy now and then.Being serious can be stifling and stifling means boring
So please be that cheerful, exciting,pleasant and
Unpredictable lady every man will want to be with...Not the boring,demanding and predictable type of girlfriend.keep him on his toes every time excite him with your personality.

Don't we all deserve to be happy.Good luck to your love life and relationship.

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