Art is very important to our social and economic development.In Nigeria art and culture is seen as irrelevant.some argue that there is no relationship between art and technology .

I can confidently say that the reason for Nigeria's under development is because we have ignored art and culture as a tool to create wealth.For example countries like China and Japan have no oil or natural resources...but they use their art,culture and common sense to create all the technological appliances we are enjoying today which they sell to us .

Countries like Kenya make millions of dollars from tourism..
Nigeria is an oil rich nation..but the oil has been more of a curse than a blessing for majority of Nigerians especially the people of the Niger delta whose land has been polluted by oil drilling.
 The Oil  boom made Nigerians to be lazy.We depend solely from revenue got from the sale of oil.Our economy is bad because the government refuse to diversify into other sectors ....The local industries are closing down because people prefer buying important products.
After over 55 years as an independent nation Nigeria has failed to produce simple devices and appliances such as phones,Radio,Television sets etc...Nigeria imports almost everything...this greatly affects our foreign exchange..
Apart from Agriculture,Nigeria can generate billions of Naira  from art and culture.

Art is involved in almost every area of human endeavour.For example drawing is a language of communication.All forms of creativity starts with drawing...Architecture,Structural engineering,fashion design,carpentry,sculpture etc all begin with drawing (sketch) to bring the idea into reality.

There are lots of  idle and jobless youths roaming the streets vocational institutions should be established to train interested youths in Art,crafts and vocational skills,so that they will be useful for themselves and contribute to the development of our nation.


Nigeria has vast beautiful landscape, sites and wildlife that can fetch the nation foreign exchange,but this avenue is not fully utilized.
Nigerian Entertainment industry is doing very well.
Actors,actresses,musicians are doing well with most of them having international exposure.
Foreign and local Artists can collaborate and make films and organize concerts here in Nigeria which will bring in foreign exchange.Truly Nigeria can be a prosperous Nation through Art,culture and tourism.

Nigeria has vibrant cultural groups,dancers,artists and artworks

A National cultural week can be set aside every year which can be used as a medium to show case our nation's arts,culture to foreigners that will be visiting...by so doing Nigeria will make billions from tourism and tax .
    ln conclusion...even the oil in Nigeria benefits only a little percentage of the citizens ....only the highly placed in the government.

Most parts of the country do not reflect the trillions... government budgets every year...this includes the Niger delta,,the ecology and environment has been destroyed by oil drilling and pollution.Lots of people are living in poverty.some die while waiting to receive their pension after serving their beloved Nation for many years.
Through Art,culture and tourism the wealth of the nation will be shared and enjoyed by all,not by a few in the government.

Art and culture should be given the priority it deserves because after some time we will run out of the black oil.

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