These habits may ruin your relationship


There is no rule book or guidlines when it comes to relationships. It’s all about what you feel is right, and how you handle the situations you are exposed too. Gestures and habits that once loomed sweet may become toxic for the same relationship in some time, and you may not even realise it.


This one is pretty obvious. Nobody likes being scolded, mocked, blamed or tortured for every minute mistake that can be solved with a simple discussion. It is a subtle form of egotism and ergo, think before opening your gates of anger.

Gifts? It's not a solutions!

Nobody says no to a cool gift but don’t use them as a convenient way to hide or make up your mistakes. It may placate your partner for time being, but eventually you both will end up moving in circles on the same issue.

No ​Emotional drama!

It is good to have genuine emotions for each other but turning them into a drama sort of a thing is a warning sign for your relationship. For instance, threatening your partner with break up, divorce or anything like that for their every little mistake is a toxic habit.

Being dependent

Depending upon your partner for every little thing is another toxic habit and might be turn off for your partner. It’s really important to be independent and have a life out of the relationship as well.


Not just to your partner, you need to be respectful towards his/her parents and the people who matter to them.

Being flirtatious

Being a little flirtatious is not a bad thing but it must be within the well-defined boundaries set by you and your partner.

Taking your partner for granted

This one needs not to be emphasised! It is always great to surprise your companion with sweet gestures and let them know how special they are!


Noting down all the past mistakes of your partner and bringing them up during arguments as your ‘defence mechanism’ is definitely not going to strengthen your bond with your partner. It actually stops the growth of your relationship and injects bitterness.


Being jealous for anything takes you nowhere. It disturbs your own peace of mind. Instead of burning inside, talk it out with your partner about what is troubling you and you will feel much lighter.

Expectation level

Let’s be honest here. Relationships are not fairy tales and it is not necessary that everything will turn out the way you had expected. One must be open for adjustments and keep the expectation level realistic.

 Recommendations and suggestions above are generic in nature. Be advised to consult a registered medical practitioner/certified trainer or other professional before trying yourself

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