
Your life before and after marriage in pictures

Marriage is paradise,it can also be a nightmare, Each couple has their own life and love story, before and after marriage. Nevertheless, here’s what we at  freshlife think is a list of typical everyday situations that you and your partner might find familiar! Sleep  Things we do for love  Things that keep couples together  Weekends  Women’s eating habits  Levels of trust  Watching movies  Flirting  Revealing your love

This Man Spent 3 years Proposing to His Girlfriend Before She Noticed

Timothy Chee, 25, knew he was going to marry his now-wife Candice Catherine a week after he started dating her. That second week, he sent her a love letter that started with a big, capital “W.” It took Candice three years and 13 more notes to recognize the first lettersof the letters spelled out “W-I-L-L Y-O-U M-A-R-R-Y M-E,”  ANN MARIE YUEN PHOTOGRAPHY “Tim and I didn't live far away from each other but we sent letters because the idea of having our hearts poured out in the form of paper meant we had tangible memories to look back on,” Candice told the Daily Mail Australia: “I am very difficult to surprise so this totally caught me off guard!” Chee helped her piece together the proposal as it was happening. The proposal in full was perfect, she said: I woke up on the morning of December 16, 2015, with a letter next to me instructing me to get dressed and to only come out when I’m fully ready. As soon as I opened the door, I found rose petals and candles everywhe...