Living In A Loveless Relationship Part 1

 What is love. Love is an intense feeling or affection for another is an emotion that keeps people bonded and committed to one another.

A loveless marriage is a relationship in which one or both partners do not feel in love. Instead of being romantic lovers, they often feel more like roommates or siblings. Being in a loveless marriage often breeds isolation, resentment, and hopelessness. I pity such people because LOVE IS A KILLER..YES .. LOVE have consumed many souls. Love have ended the lives of many who lived in abusive relationship and kept quiet believing things will get better. Love have ended the Life of many who were killed by their lovers for cheating on them..

In some of my earlier publications l had written notes on why I believe love is a killer if not properly handled. 

Living in a loveless relationship is as bad as drinking alcohol, smoking and taking hard drugs all at the same is very very unhealthy such person will not have a long and healthy life..Their lives will be short lived by one kind of terminal disease or the other... People in a happy marriage or relationship live  healthy and longer lives..

How do you tell if you're in a loveless marriage

1. You do not feel like having sex with your partner or even moving close to him or her.

2. You don't feel like sitting together as partners and have intimate conversations 

3.You have fantasy thoughts of divorce..

3. You minimize each others concerns.

5. All the time  you feel alone and lonely even though you're living together..

6. The fun is gone, nothing excites you about him or her.

7. Both of you feel neglected by each other.

8 .You reflect on the previous relationships or your x .. thoughts that the present relationship is a mistake.

9.You lie to each other on almost everything.

What causes a loveless marriage or relationship,

Parenting-  This person dislikes their partner's parenting style, poor parenting and not showing good example..Defensive-  This person dislikes how their partner does not take ownership for their part in conflicts. Finances-  This person dislikes how their partner handles money, him or her is faced with all the financial responsibility in the home. Anger- This person dislikes how their partner gets harsh with their anger... Courtesy...One partner may not like how his or her partner relate with family members and neighbors which may make him or her feel embarrassed... despite his or her plea the partner continue doing the things  he or she detests..Verbal and physical abuse makes the situation of the parties may start denying the other of sex

“Not all relationships are meant to be forever. In fact, most are not,"We grow and change based on the challenges that are thrown at us. It’s unrealistic that the person we meet when we’re 20 is going to be the same person we meet  at 50." As we grow older in our relationships we think love also should grow stronger but it does not work that way most couples grow older they face different challenges and challenges affects relationship. 

 "Relationships can bring something great to our lives, even if it’s only for a certain period of time. You get to make memories, experience deep love, and when that ends, you can move on to feel that way with another partner who'll meet your new needs." And don't forget: You can also do just fine all by yourself. 

Divorce is a sin .so what happens if you die in an abusive relationship.

It is known that human beings cannot thrive in the solitude of mind,body and spirit. There fore engaging in a healthy relationship is an important part of a fulfilling life.

Being in a relationships is a necessary part of healthy and successful living. Relationships enrich our lives and add to the enjoyment of being alive. We all know that no relationship is perfect..just like fire it very useful but if not properly handled can destroy  and kill... LOVE is sweet brings happiness,joy fulfillment etc but if not handled with care can destroy you.

If you are looking for solutions to your love are in the right place.

Relationship is just like life..It needs care, love and attention. Many couples neglect doing all these things when problem comes they start blaming people in their village. They become unhappy and miserable.

Find out how to repair an unhappy and lonely relationship and how things will turn right for you..You will thank me later.

End of part 1

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