Where Is the Extended Family?

One morning, my son walked up to me and said "Daddy I have a very important request; Can you please build a very big house, where my cousins, uncles, aunties, nephews, nieces and other close family members will come and live with us? I want all of us to be living together. Daddy, this is my desire... If you can do this for me, I will be the happiest person in the world"

This is rather an impossible task my son is requesting. while growing up,it was a delight living with extended families..we all looked forward to holidays when will see each again.

Nothing gave us more joy than seeing other family members around. Some relatives had little or nothing, but their strength and wealth was in relationships and being together. The joy of holidays and celebrations still vibrate in my heart.
We usually lose sleep to happiness during such seasons because,relatives would be coming home. It was such a delight to see siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunties, grannies, etc.

We shared everything in common. We ate from same plates, shared same cups,ate from the same pot, bathed together, slept on the same mats, when there is no bed and even cover with the same clothes at night.

 One person's problem was everyone's problem. One personsaa victory was everyone's victory...

Sadly, as we began to grow up, we began to grow apart. We began to raise fences over our once unfenced houses; to imprison ourselves, thinking we were shutting others out. Class, complex, offense, I-am-busy, don't-disturb-me, we-are-not-that-related, excuses etc, began to set in.

Today, we've made enemies out of our neighbours; foes out of families; foreigners out of friends; and witches out of the ones we once considered our true riches. It is now pleasurable to demonise each other behind each other. The children of yesterdays who kept vigil over the joy of seeing each other, are now adults and they don't want to see each other. With everyone ignoring everybody; pretending to be busy and feeling over important.

Gradually some families have developed ....mind your own business syndrome.. Family members now keep malice for years over minor trivial issues. they have become total strangers to each other as though they did not grow up within the same home.

Bad enough, the elderly who should call and chair family meetings from time to time so as to strengthen family bonds, prefer to rather sit and watch. Times have changed.


The question is, where is the love? The extended family has gone extent Where is the kindness? ?
The extended family was an African culture and value but it has gone extinct.. My son's wish may not be meet. Things are changing..extended family is no longer trending. It is gradually fading out...

The extended family promotes the Africa culture and values.we should uphold it. Its time to love, care and look out for each other as families should.

We must wake up and realise that, we are stronger together, better together and will achieve more together.

 When we live together; we will live healthier, live stronger and longer.



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