Is Honesty Really the best policy ?

Since our childhood we are taught about, “Honesty is the best policy”. Does it really work in real life?
Especially in our society today. Every body is fighting for survival. Every man for himself and God for us all.
Some people definitely will not get their daily bread if they don't lie.
How about business people,do they "always tell the truth about their products and services.
Peck milk says in its advert contains 28 vitamins and minerals how true is that.

In our day to day life, we are reluctant, to tell the truth, to avoid conflicts,  punishment and embarrassment. According to research conducted by the University Of Chicago Booth School Of Business, people can be more honest than they actually think of.
Can their be total honesty in a relationship....?
People avoid being honest thinking about the cost they have to pay after they tell the truth. Can we share our secrets or give critical feedback to others? Will we be able to face each other in future? There are several questions that haunt us if we decide to tell the truth.

Sincerely speaking most of the times these fears are misguided. Honest discussions are more enjoyable. There is less negativity expected between the speaker and the listener.
A relationship thrives on honesty. But how far? Honesty depends on the situation and the facts you are dealing with. Both  partners need to be understanding and cooperate with each other.
Honesty might taste bitter at that specific time but may help in long run. If the partners are not sensible enough towards each other, then the honesty may cost the end of the  relationship. For example the husband may lie that he did not cheat on his wife afraid that his wife might decide to end the relationship...On the long run its better to tell the truth.
Honesty to me is not always the policy. In the society were I live today  honesty is  a word that mean different thing to different people. If it does not favour your actions you get rid of it.
   Being honest is good. But people are honest only when it favours them.
Today we see so much glamour on social media. Individuals displaying wealth, love and affection for their spouse and relationship but they do not show the other side of their private life that  is dishonesty. 

Many people today will never have had a head way in life if they had  preached the 100 percent honesty policy.
A lot of men would not have married the women they loved  and vise-versa.
If it is possible to read peoples mind and heart, many lies and negative secrets would have been exposed.. In fact their will not be room for dishonesty.
Is honesty really the best policy.?

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