7 Types of cheaters

Cheating can be a sign that something is missing in the relationship.

Cheating in a relationship is perhaps never good. Recently a family was ripped apart by her sports presenter husband's affair with their daughter’s best friend.
"there are others who feel having multiple secondary relationships while maintaining their primary ones are what keep them ticking.

Cheating in a relationship is devastating and destructive but not all cheating are the same. Because people give different reasons or rather excuses why they cheat. Why would a happily married husband with  a beautiful career wife and children decide to cheat.

 There are Seven kinds of cheats in a relationship that one needs to be aware of.

The Micro-cheater:

This can be anything from your partner speaking to someone of the opposite sex on social media to sending them a saucy text. Usually it is just a harmless way of getting a little lift and it won’t lead to anything physical.Even though you have not meet you save his or her pictures in your phone.

However, it can be a sign that something is missing in the relationship and it can be very damaging if your partner suspects you are micro-cheating.

The Hunter cheater:

These people find it impossible to have a long-term relationship. They are usually afraid of intimacy and they can get bored easily so they go from one person to the next. They feel no real connection with their partner.

The Hunter cheater easily get bored in a relationship and moves ahead to another with any definite reason.

The Hurt cheater:

He/She finds it hard to talk about their needs to a partner. Instead, they prefer sob stories to reel in a potential lover. Usually this person will lie that something bad has happened to get a quick sympathy reaction from the person they target.

The BDSM cheater:

 While to the outside world this person lives an ordinary life, behind closed doors they have unusual sexual preferences. It’s their way of expressing themselves and if they suppress it for too long they can become depressed and even resentful of their partner, who does not share their sexual fantasies.

The BDSM Cheater is more likely to go to a sex club or party or use prostitutes,if they can't find a person that share their sexual fantasies.

The Opportunist cheater:

They are emotionally disorganised and impulsively drawn to new experiences. While not exactly manipulative or calculation they lack self-control.

Unlike The Hunter or The Hurt Cheater they don’t have a strategy – if they see something they like they just go for it.

Usually, they are in perfectly good relationships with a healthy sex life but they can be immature, impulsive and selfish.

The Revenge cheater:

 They are usually ones who feel that their other half is depriving them of sex. Every time their partner turns them down they feel rejected and the anger slowly builds up.
after sessions of quarrels or hot arguments either of them might develop resentment...there might be silent or quiet time when they don't talk to each other. Hurt cheater might take advantage because of the hurtful words said to him or her  to  cheat.

The Professional cheater:

 He/She travels for work and has lovers in several  places. They are so used to juggling multiple long-term affairs they probably don’t even see it as cheating.

This type of cheat probably gets away with it fairly easily due to geographical distance between their lovers.

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