10 Things you may not know about Good Friday
Good Friday is commemorated because the date marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. Accounts of the Gospel state that He was put to death after he was betrayed by Judas and the date falls during Holy Week on the Friday before Easter Sunday and coincides with the Jewish celebration of Passover. "Crucifixion Friday"was coined good because the word ‘good’ means pious or holy. Here are a few facts about Good Friday that you probably did not know about: 1.Guode Friday: The earliest known use of "Guode Friday" is found in The South English Legendary, a text from around 1290. But it seems contradictory to call a day that is about death "good." The thing is, despite Good Friday representing the anniversary of Jesus's death, it's also about the triumph of his rising again. 2.Extreme faith or demonic : Christians in the Philippines whip themselves bloody with metal chains and are nailed to crosses to experience...