The Role of Romance in a Relationship and its lmportance
 In order to meet success, long-term relationships do take work. Many couples share in the sense that their relationships lack fulfillment after a period of time. While turmoil in any relationship is part of the course, long-term feelings of neglect or a lack of desire are not. The secret to keeping love alive is in putting forth the effort that you did when love was new. Indeed, partners often wonder why their relationships fail, where those loving feelings have gone, or why they feel under-appreciated by their partners. This generally happens after the “honeymoon period”. In some cases, couples may not experience this sense of loss for years. But what about the couples that never seem discontented, whose displays of admiration for one another are apparent even after decades of marriage. Indeed, they are doing something right. Happily married couples with a long history together, have managed to preserve some of the elements that were present wh...